514 503-4295 [email protected]


Consulting services – Content strategy – Training

Plan your web success

Esteve’s motto is “look before you leap”. So, to offer you the right solutions, we first need to take a look at:

– Your situation;

– Your needs;

– Your objectives;

– Your web communication tools (website, blog, social networks, etc.).

Once this analysis is done, Jonathan will tell you how to improve your site’s performance. Nothing more, nothing less, and always in your best interests.

You need consulting when:

– You want your site to generate more conversions (sales, subscriptions, etc.).

– Your site does not appear on the first 5 pages of a Google search.

– Visitors don’t spend much time on your site or looking at many pages.

– You don’t have an SEM campaign (Search Engine Marketing – such as advertisements on Google) or you’re not satisfied with it.

– You don’t have any site statistics (entry page and visited pages, conversion and bounce rates, time spent on a page, etc.).

– And that’s not all!

If you worry about your site’s performance and don’t know what to do about it, then you need us!